Chimney Repair and Remodel
in Orlando, FL

Chimney problems and leaks have become a specialty of Winter Springs Roofing and Repair in Orlando, FL. Chimneys may be the single largest problem area of any roof. It stands to reason since there is a structure, an exterior, a cover and a base that connect to a roof and in some cases it connects to two or three levels of roof. This creates several areas to develop problems and areas to trick amateur repairmen. The majority of Chimney jobs we fix come from failed attempts by the homeowner or unprofessional advice previously provided by less experienced contractors.

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Chimney Remodeling in Central Florida

There are very few qualified professionals out there to choose from. We have become the area leader in this phase of the industry in Orlando, FL. One of our best references comes from Mr. Ed Hearsey of ABC Cleaning, Inc. His company builds and installs the chase covers and caps for much of the chimneys in the greater area. They see first hand what kind of work is going on and how few people there are to perform this work. They also perform chimney cleaning, and duct cleaning of all kinds.

Problems with chimneys can range in price determined by a number of factors and occasionally can become expensive if not detected early on or unsuccessfully fixed again and again. Many people who advertise and claim to repair chimneys are unlicensed or are in business to perform chimney cleaning and get in over their heads. The pictures above in our Gallery will speak for themselves.

“We at ABC Cleaning have been working with Winter Springs Roofing for over 20 years rebuilding chimney stacks ,we do all the chase cover and inspect the flue pipe when needed. Bill and his crew does a real good job rebuilding the stack, we would not recommend any one else to do this work…outstanding work…thank you, ED”

Cheap Price, Cheap Results